Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Grand Gathering 2013 Info

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

The initial planning has begun.  I have listed several ideas, but we can change any or all of what I have come up with so far.  As I said, I think the charter members of the GG should make the decision about where, when, and how much and then we can invite others to join us.  I have attached notes and a spread sheet with costs.  Please let me know your thoughts.


  1. Based on the pictures from your research trip, I loved the Art of Animation! I know it's a value resort but we didn't really spend any time at the resort last year so I don't think we would notice. Plus it's more affordable for us.

    We would probably do the 5 day trip at either time. Mitchell can say what would be doable with his work schedule.

    Thank you Susie for all your hard work and research!

    1. I'm hearing mostly that the Art of Animation would be the best resort and a 5 day trip for most people. Let me know your thoughts!

    2. Sounds good to us. My vote is for whatever time is less crowded, but I'm open to anything.
